Where your data lives

Technical Data

Technical Information


Files are initially uploaded from the client to their assigned intake server. These servers are permanently assigned to each client. Once the files are uploaded, they are immediately copied across multiple drives for redundancy.

1 Hour

Within 1 hour, files are copied from the intake server, across the internet, and to the redundant server. Each intake server has a redundant server located somewhere else. MD5 file hashes on both ends ensure accurate file transfers. Within 1 hour of upload, the file exists in 4 locations.

24 Hours

Within 24 hours, each server has independently backed up to another server farm. The files are then stored across multiple servers and multiple drives on each server. Within 24 hours of upload, the file exists on multiple drives, in multiple servers, in multiple data centers. This ensures a 99.9999999999% (12 nines) durability rating.


DO NOT DELETE A FILE UNLESS YOU WANT IT GONE FOREVER. We are not in the restore business, and while we often can help with files that have been deleted, typically within an hour of the deletion, the files no longer exist on the intake servers. Within two hours, the intake backup server has removed the file, and within 3 hours the server farm has removed the files. Some companies keep deleted files “in case you want them back later” - we don’t. We won’t remove our drives for forensic recovery, don’t ask. We keep backups all over the place so that we don’t lose data you trusted us with, not so we can undo a deletion. All that being said, if a file was accidentally deleted and you want us to try to recover it, email us immediately with your account name, the exact path, and folder/file name and we will temporarily stop file deletion propagation in an attempt to recover the folder/file.


We encourage you to encrypt data prior to submitting it to us. Data is always encrypted before it is sent across the internet, and data is again encrypted before it leaves the intake server pair and is uploaded to the storage cloud. All data in the storage cloud is therefore unreadable and unusable without the key stored in the intake servers (this is why the intake servers are in redundant pairs). The keys also physically exist in an undisclosed location.


System Status

West Philadelphia: ONLINE

Newark: ONLINE

Dallas Cluster: ONLINE

Atlanta Cluster: ONLINE


Event Log

  • 05/03/2020 8:35AM - Just in time for sunday morning traffic loads, the primary cloud server migration is complete and working. Please report any problems you may experience.

  • 05/01/2020 - Sporadic outages have been reported, caught, and fixed. This apparently has been happening on and off for a few days. The load balancer will now automatically reflect to a backup site if the users primary server is down.

  • 02/02/2020 8:21AM - Apparently several Pearl-2s around the country did an update at the same time and started re-uploading data that was already uploaded. This caused temporary sluggishness. Sorry about that! The Linode load balancer did it’s job, but it was still a lot of data..

  • 12/26/2019 3:38PM - Merry Christmas! A “0 downtime” server upgrade didn’t get the message and was down during the update (90 seconds). Our apologies, everything is back up now!

  • 10/31/2019 7:04PM - Trick or treat! Apparently, the load balancers have been tricking instead of treating. Fixed.

  • 10/27/2019 4:22AM - Proper speeds have been restored.

  • 10/26/2019 11:20PM - We have received several reports that uploads are more sluggish than they should be and are investigating.

  • 10/24/2019 1:00AM - Scheduled maintenance took longer than anticipated and the web interface was unavailable for 14 minutes. We apologize for any inconvenience.

  • 10/23/2019 8:39AM - L3 issue corrected.

  • 10/22/2019 3:42AM - L3 redundancy sluggishness noted. No data is affected.

  • 10/10/2019 5:45PM - System restored to proper operation

  • 10/10/2019 5:39PM - Website file interface down. AFU unaffected, client connections unaffected. File duplication and redundancy unaffected.